How many immigrants are coming to Johnstown?

We're currently working to attract skilled individuals from other states and other nations. We have small-scale initiatives in place to do so. Moving forward, we will continue to responsibly manage growth. All are welcome to our Johnstown community.

By |2022-01-07T11:53:41-05:00January 7th, 2022||Comments Off on How many immigrants are coming to Johnstown?

Greater Johnstown School District is already overwhelmed with the transient population, how will they possibly be able to add any additional children?

Greater Johnstown School District, as well as our other local school districts, are significant partners in all conversations about growing our population. We have been working together to ensure capacity exists to absorb additional kids wherever they might hail from.

By |2022-01-07T11:56:39-05:00January 7th, 2022||Comments Off on Greater Johnstown School District is already overwhelmed with the transient population, how will they possibly be able to add any additional children?

What strain will additional residents have on an already overwhelmed community? i.e., schools, healthcare, childcare, or other service providers who don’t have the capacity to deal with the people who are currently here?

Newcomers will reduce the strain on all of us by growing our tax base, investing in our homes and neighborhoods, and enabling local businesses to grow.

By |2022-01-07T11:56:10-05:00January 7th, 2022||Comments Off on What strain will additional residents have on an already overwhelmed community? i.e., schools, healthcare, childcare, or other service providers who don’t have the capacity to deal with the people who are currently here?

If someone is highly skilled, why would they want to come to Johnstown?

Johnstown has many open positions for both skilled and unskilled workers who are willing to learn. “Skilled” workers might want to come to Johnstown because of the atmosphere, recreation, or low cost of living. Our city is continuously growing and expanding with new grants and funding which will help create a better atmosphere.

By |2022-01-07T11:56:01-05:00January 7th, 2022||Comments Off on If someone is highly skilled, why would they want to come to Johnstown?

Who is funding the newcomers? Will they become a burden on the taxpayers?

Every person coming to Johnstown will be here legally. They are vetted and are coming to Johnstown to look for a job that fits their skillset. They will be treated similarly to someone moving here from another state. They will work and pay taxes like the rest of the community.

By |2022-01-07T11:55:44-05:00January 7th, 2022||Comments Off on Who is funding the newcomers? Will they become a burden on the taxpayers?